Our services.

Physiotherapy services.

Mobility Assessments and Aid Prescription

  • Our physiotherapists assess and prescribe the most suitable mobility aids for both children and adults to enhance their mobility and independence. This may include wheelchairs (manual and powered), customised walking frames, and walking sticks. It may also include prosthetics and orthotics.


  • Hydrotherapy sessions are designed to improve strength, mobility, and overall physical wellbeing through water-based exercise. These are conducted at the participant’s local hydrotherapy facility.

Ongoing Physiotherapy Sessions

  • Tailored therapeutic programs to support gross motor milestones, fine motor skills, strength, balance, gait training, and coordination.

Occupational therapy services.

Functional Capacity Assessments (FCA)

  • Comprehensive initial assessment to understand the participant’s goals and needs. This is followed by detailed reports to submit to the NDIA if required, or ongoing therapy sessions, or trials of assistive equipment, based on individual needs.

Supported Independent Living (SIL) and Specialist Disability Accommodation (SDA) Assessments

  • Assessments to determine suitable living arrangements and support needs.

Assistive Technology (AT) Assessments

  • Assessments to ensure that participants have the right tools to enhance their daily living activities. This might include wheelchairs, shower chairs, adaptive equipment (e.g. utensils), electronic assistive devices, and more.

Ongoing Occupational Therapy Sessions

  • Interventions based on individual goals and functional abilities. This may include support in achieving fine motor skills, emotional regulation, and activities of daily living. It may also involve working on self-care skills, problem-solving, and communication skills.

At Rewired Therapy, we are dedicated to working closely with you and your support network to create personalised therapy plans that promote independence and a better quality of life. Contact us today to learn more about our services and how we can support you to create new pathways to a better tomorrow.